Many people have questioned whether or not an alarm home security system really works. Well that depends on who you ask and what you are trying to accomplish by having the alarm system installed. If you expect the police to show up at your door within a couple of minutes of the alarm going off, then you are in for some serious disappointment. If however you have realistic expectations, then having a security system installed in your home will provide you with more peace of mind and an added layer of protection that you would otherwise not have.
I could cite numerous studies that show how alarmed homes are many times less vulnerable than a home without an alarm. The numbers bear out time and again that a home security system is a great tool for fighting crime. But what are some of the benefits of having an alarm home security system installed? Here are just a few:
- If someone does break in, a signal is sent and both you and the authorities are notified if the proper password is not given at the premises.
- The fact that you have an alarm with a company yard sign (not the generic ones), will make you a harder target than your neighbors.
- An alarm going off will attract attention in most cases.
- You will not come home and find an intruder waiting inside for you.
- Panic buttons can be hooked up for emergency situations such as a home invasion, medical emergency, or a fire.
- In some states, the insurance discount that you receive with a monitored system can cover a portion if not all of the monitoring costs.
Alarm home security systems definitely work. Even if the cops do not get there in time to catch the thieves in action, the burglaries that an alarm system prevents, and the peace of mind that they provide, make these systems a good investment.